And what I did in Mauritius will be with me for the rest of my life: I went swimming with dolphins in the Indian Ocean! Not in some small, confined tank with trained dolphins. No, wild dolphins in the OCEAN!
At first I was hesitant to go, because it meant getting up at 5 in the morning. When you're a flight attendant you usually come at your destination exhausted and deprived of sleep from the night or day before, that lacks routine just as the rest of your life. You arrive in a different country, where now there is also a time difference. Put all these things together and "nice to meet you, I am a walking sleeping disorder". Anyway, I got over it and got myself out of bed in time.
Me, and some of my colleagues, were picked up by two guides and driven to the ocean side. A boat was waiting there for us. If you know me, you know I don't really like boats or water for that matter. However, this was a speedboat and the water was clear green, meaning I could see a shark coming from a distance. That kinda made me feel better. So.... with enormous speed we went on our way to spot the dolpins. It wasn't long before we found them. Swimming in a large group, there they were, the dolphins. I could not believe my eyes. When it got too crowded with other boats and curious people, our boat driver (my english dictionary has left me at this moment) brought us to another place. We were very lucky. Some very happy dolphins were playing around and jumping out of the water.
I was the first to go in. With fins and a snorkeling mask, I sat at the end of the boat waiting to jump in at the count of the guide. He brought the boat in front of the approaching dolphins and told us 'go, now'. As I am not too familiar with snorkling or diving... or anything regarding swimming.. my first experience was that the water was really salty, in taste. I couldnt figure out how to breathe throw the snorkle. But there they were, the dolphins. Part of me swallowing loads of water is probably because I was in awe and couldn't close my mouth. This was amazing.
It only lasted for a few seconds and I got on the boat again to let other people experience the same. But when they asked who wanted to go for a second time, I jumped in again. However, not before asking some questions about how to work the snorkle.
I understood the trick and as a miracle I now could breathe and look under water at the same time... and there it was... the most amazing experience of my life... dolphins swimming right under my feet. A mommy and her baby. If I had reached out, I would have been able to touch them. After they had crossed me I tried to swim after them. With the emphasis on tried, because even if you would flap those fins as hard as you could, it would only add maximum one second of extra viewing time. They go so fast. Swimming after them is an illusion really.
Even though it went by fast, that image is stuck in my brain. I will never ever forget it.

Oh.... the rest of the island is pretty cool too by the way hahah. There is lots of nature to see, like waterfalls and volcano craters. Also rare occurences like the 7 coloured earths, which is beautiful. The beaches are white, the water is bright green.. what more do you want? GO see Mauritius.
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